

Annona squamosa, commonly known as sitafal . The Sugar-Apple produces round or heart-shaped fruit with a knobby surface. The skin of the fruit is green and turns slightly yellowish when ripe. When opened, the fruit reveals creamy, sweet, and aromatic flesh containing black seeds. The fruit of Annona squamosa is the primary reason for its cultivation. It's consumed fresh and is used in various desserts, juices, and smoothies.
Name Of Tree Sitafal
Scientific Name Annona squamosa
Family Annonaceae
Native Native
Average Height 10 to 20 feet
Oxygen Produced in a Year/Lifetime 12 kgs
Carbon Sequestration in a Lifetime 386 kgs
Biodiversity Attraction Bees, Butterflies, and Ants
Age of the tree in Months/Year 2 TO 2.5 Years

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